
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Radical ability of GNH......:)

It was not so easy to be within the intellects and academicians discussing most abstract subject as the Gross National Hapiness.

One may lose the logical sense at times when they discuss and argue on psychological aspect of the GNH.

One may even fail to describe your own state of mind at that moment, if you think how so complex the subject is as they offer you different definition of happiness.

Trying to understand GNH throws one into the mess of complications, taking away your happiness as you try to figure out the aspects of GNH.....lolz 

To see how GNH is capable of stimulating radical perceptions, in one of the workshops, I had to witness some participants in the meeting of practitioners and scholars of GNH had a few minutes of competing themselves on the scale of radicalness.

On the education aspect, one of the participants said, rush to achieve 100 percent education mandated by millennium goal is a distress to GNH.

Because in a rush to meet the goal, every child irrespective of their willingness or their parents will, are forced to enroll in schools, drastically increasing the population of literate and educated who now just don't want to take up blue collar jobs.

And the unemployment rate climbing high with all lot of educated criminals.

Another says the children are taught in schools going by the curriculum that is pre arranged before they knew their own area of interest and forced to study as per the school tradition.

He thinks there should be ways where the interest and capability of a child should be recognized at the age of 10. So that the children can be encouraged in the field of their capability and interest. A ten yer old has to tell us their choice of subject.

More radical as the scholar himself calls so, learning how to read and write takes so long and he thinks nine years behind the desk for children to learn how to read and write is a waste of time. “My child who never went to school and did home schooling is doing great in her university,” a foreign participant says. 

He goes on saying how he would opt for a minister with out school education over a one with school education. “ I would prefer a finance minister without a school education over a one with Phd. in economics, because they are all taught wrong.” Can't agree more, we saw Lalu Ji doing magic in Indian rail ways performance as a minister for rail ways. 

I am not saying that GNH is radical, but I am saying that GNH have this ability to stimulate radicalness in people and the worse is, if you are listening to the GNH discussion without that intellectual level of those who are talking, can throw you into your own radical world.

(Listening at those lines, I lost the track of Happiness by definition because these for me sounded no different from talking GDP) One might then realize that listening to a talk on happiness was not always happy but heavy........!

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